
LUKE WAS A DOCTOR (Colossians 4:14).

As well as his Gospel he wrote the Acts of the Apostles. He records names, places and events with meticulous care, showing Jesus as both Son of God and Son of man.

His birth in Bethlehem was announced by the angels as ‘good news of great joy’ to all (Luke 2:10). Jesus was also proclaimed by the angel Gabriel as the heir to the throne in Jerusalem where David once ruled (1:32–33). He will bring peace among men (2:14). But before he takes his throne Jesus had to become a Saviour from sin.

Luke portrays Jesus as a man of prayer and records how he ‘set his face to go to Jerusalem’ where he was to die (9:51; 17:11; 19:28, 37, 41, 45).

Jesus foretold that the temple and the city of Jerusalem would be overthrown, which happened in 70 ad—yet he will return as King in a time of ‘distress of nations’ (21:25–28).

The resurrection of Christ was a bodily one. Luke records some of the meetings of the risen Lord with his disciples, including his appearance to two disciples as they walked to the village of Emmaus, west of Jerusalem (24:13–35). After his resurrection Jesus had ‘flesh and bones’—a real body (24:39)—and he ate with his disciples (24:41–43).

God’s Messengers- The Angels

Luke’s Gospel contains many accounts of appearances of angels: 1:11–19, 26–38; 2:9–15; 4:10; 22:43; 24:4, 23.

Angels always looked like men—there is no justification for the popular idea that they have wings!

Norman Owen

By kind permission of ‘The Christadelphian’

Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible

  • Luke 1:32–33—see 2 Samuel 7:12–16; Isaiah 9:6–7.
  • Luke 17:26–27—see Genesis 6:1–7; 7:1.
  • Luke 21:27—see Acts 1:11; Revelation 1:7.

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