THE BOOK of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings, written under the inspiration of God, mainly by King Solomon. They contain sound guidance for life.
Solomon’s Request
God appeared to King Solomon and said, “Ask! What shall I give you?” Solomon might have desired wealth and power, but he made a surprising request: “Now give me wisdom and knowledge… for who can judge this great people of Yours?” (2 Chronicles 1:7–10). God granted his request. “And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart” (9:23).

The Value of Wisdom
The opening chapters of Proverbs are addressed to ‘my son’ (chapters 1–9). Sadly, Solomon’s son Rehoboam failed to heed the divine instruction. It was God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who recognised the value of his Father’s word.
There is nothing in this world which can compare with the “wisdom that is from above” (James 3:17), which is to be found in the Bible—in all its 66 books, including the Book of Proverbs.
Guidance for Daily Life
A large section of Proverbs (chapters 10–24) contains valuable advice for God’s children in their day to day experiences. The ruin which comes from laziness and the folly of ignorance are among the warnings given. We are advised on the dangers of riches, on true friendships and loyalty in our relationships.
Chapters 25–29 contain more proverbs of Solomon, copied out by King Hezekiah’s men. The writers of Proverbs 30–31 are Agur and Lemuel. They may have been Arabian, descended from Ishmael; or they may be cryptic names for Solomon himself.
Norman Owen
By kind permission of ‘The Christadelphian’
Some interesting links with other parts of the Bible
Proverbs 3:15; 4:7—see 2 Timothy 3:15.
Proverbs 7:19, 20—see Mark 13:34; Luke 12:45.
Proverbs 22:20, 21—see Luke 1:3, 4.