WELCOME TO this month’s edition of Glad Tidings magazine! You can download a PDF version of the whole edition by clicking on the below download full issue link. To access individual articles, please scroll down and click on the title of the article you would like to read.
We hope you find the articles interesting and informative and that they challenge you to open up the Bible for yourself finding out about God’s message of Good news through Jesus Christ.
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The End To Poverty
Poverty exists: not because there’s not enough to feed the poor, but because there’s not enough to satisfy the rich.
David – A Man After God’s Own Heart
God then chose David to be king, and his descendants reigned for over 400 years until the capture of the nation by the Babylonians.
The Last Adam
The definite lesson we can learn from Adam, indeed must learn sooner or later, is that God always means what He says. Adam and Eve, placed in the Garden of Eden—the Paradise of God—were given a wonderful privilege.
We Can Get It Wrong
……data (parts) are collected, they are analysed and interpreted, and then they are conveyed first to experts and then to non-experts and lay people. And we can make mistakes.
The Irony of Iran
Iran is proud of its ancient past, but many overlook the details. There is a sharp contrast in the current regime’s attitude towards Israel.
Noah – Herald of Righteousness
How did Noah face up to the greatest challenge of his life? How would you have felt if you had been asked to do such an unlikely thing? Would your faith have stood the test?
Your E-mails: February 2025
SF: Why is marriage so important?…….
Ed: …..GOD then brought her to Adam, whose first recorded words are: ‘This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh’ (v. 23).