WELCOME TO this month’s edition of Glad Tidings magazine! You can download a PDF version of the whole edition by clicking on the below download full issue link. To access individual articles, please scroll down and click on the title of the article you would like to read.
We hope you find the articles interesting and informative and that they challenge you to open up the Bible for yourself finding out about God’s message of Good news through Jesus Christ.
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Editorial: Clouds
They’re an essential part of our planet’s ecological system, we couldn’t survive without them…..
Aboard The Ark
We can imagine the feelings of Noah and his family as the rain hammered down on the ark, and the swirling waters began to lift it off the ground. They could hear the piteous cries of the wretched people outside, seeking, too late, to enter the vessel whose construction they had so recently scorned.
The True Love
WE HEAR A LOT about ‘love’. Often these days the word is used glibly and sentimentally. It’s important that we understand the meaning of the word ‘love’ as it’s used in the Bible.
Only Her Suffering To Give
……Perhaps she recalled her life of luxury and glamour in Saul’s household, the joys of her family life. Now the days and
nights were welded together by sorrow, tears and fatigue.
Irreducible Complexity
The theory of evolution by natural selection was popularised by Charles Darwin in the mid 19th Century. He observed that living organisms have the natural ability to adapt, and suggested that this ability accounts for the development of modern life from a primitive ancestor
The Restoration of All Things
What were the ‘things’ Peter spoke about, that are to be restored when Christ comes again?
Your E-mails: March 2025
SF: Is it true that Saint Peter and Saint Paul didn’t like each other?
Ed: Academics like theories. A favourite theory of historians of First Century Christianity is that the Bible’s account indicates a rivalry between the apostles Peter and Paul……..