WELCOME TO this month’s edition of Glad Tidings magazine! You can download a PDF version of the whole edition by clicking on the below download full issue link. To access individual articles, please scroll down and click on the title of the article you would like to read.
We hope you find the articles interesting and informative and that they challenge you to open up the Bible for yourself finding out about God’s message of Good news through Jesus Christ.
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Singing for Joy
Everybody knows that singing lifts your mood. It’s true isn’t it, you can’t be grumpy while you’re singing. Medics are realising that singing has wide-ranging mental and physical benefits—for example it improves lung function, reduces stress, releases beneficial hormones into the body, improves blood pressure, boosts the immune system, and even reduces the severity of chronic pain. Singing in a group is a powerful social bonding mechanism. Some doctors prescribe joining a choir as a medical treatment.
His Steadfast Love
It was a marvellous day when King David was finally able to fulfil his ambition —to bring God’s Ark into Jerusalem. There was no temple at that time, but David had set up a tent in the grounds of his own house. The Ark was a gold-plated chest where God’s presence was, and David wanted to be close to his God.
The Judgement of Cain
It is wrong even to hate our brother or sister in our heart. The thought, as the proverb says, is father of the deed. Violence begins as a cultivated grudge.
Christ’s Unfinished Business
As the Son of God, Jesus Christ was given a huge task. He must live in perfect obedience to his Father at all times and, in so doing, he would show humankind how life was meant to be lived. Then, after he had taught and demonstrated the care and love that God has for us, he was to surrender his life as a perfect sacrifice in order to open the way back to God for those who believe in him
The Cross of Christ
If we walk faithfully with him in newness of life, he will give to us eternal life when he returns: ‘To those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, he will give eternal life’
Your E-mails: November 2024
TA: God’s special treatment of Israel shows: (1) He discriminates, (2) He is a segregationist, and (3) He shows partiality, which conflicts with Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 6:9 and 1 Peter 1:17, 1:16).
Ed: Why did God choose the nation of Israel to be His special people? Here are just three suggestions: firstly, He has the prerogative to do whatever He will.