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Los Angeles Wildfires

Residents and firefighters looked on helpless as wildfires fanned by hurricane-force winds swept through the drought-parched suburbs of Los Angeles, devouring everything in their...

EDITORIAL – The Value of Friendships

The Harvard Study decisively shows that the biggest factor that goes to make a good life is the quality of your human relationships.


It is a basic human need to be comfortable. Many in the world don’t have the basics—sufficient food and drink, adequate shelter and clothing.


The Bible uses the illustration of sleep as a figure for death, and of awakening from sleep as a figure of resurrection from the dead.

IN THE BEGINNING 8 – The World’s Decline

You may have heard of Methuselah, the oldest man who ever lived........

ABRAHAM – Friend of God

The name Abraham occurs so many times in the Bible, that he is obviously a very important character.

TITUS – A Faithful Companion

Titus was a Greek from Antioch, probably one of the first of Paul’s converts. We find him first as a pupil, and then called by Paul ‘my true child in a common faith’

YOUR EMAILS: January 2025

MG The devil is an angel who rebelled: ‘How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn!... You said in your heart,...

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