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The End To Poverty – Editorial

Poverty exists: not because there’s not enough to feed the poor, but because there’s not enough to satisfy the rich. ISN’T that true? The statistics...

David – A Man After God’s Own Heart

In the last issue we looked at Abraham, the friend of God. Time has moved on, and Abraham’s family has grown into a group...

The Last Adam

JESUS Christ is the Son of God, the Saviour. The Bible describes him as unique in every respect, incomparable, and perfect. ‘At the name...

We Can Get It Wrong

A science journalist was reporting the results of research about a drug, which had shown positive effects on animals. Understanding the limitations of such...

The Irony Of Iran

IRAN is currently a key player in the politics of the Middle East. Bible prophecy shows that it will play a significant role in...

Noah – Herald Of Righteousness

Abraham haggles with the Angels

YOUR EMAILS – February 2025

SF: - Why is marriage so important? As long as a couple are committed to each other, why do they need the paperwork? Ed              THE...

What Is An Extremist?

In this increasingly scared and confused world, how ready would you be stand up and admit to being an extremist?

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